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detailed case studies

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Creating an APS professional association that adds real value. 


Digital and technology professionals are in high demand in all sectors, but especially in the public sector. Strong competition from private industry, particularly around remuneration, and the requirement for somewhat legacy skills and knowledge in the public sector, leaves us struggling to get, and keep, the capabilities we need. The intention of the Digital Profession is to prioritise the development and retention of this talent, through more than just salary.

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Rapid journey mapping and prototyping to improve support during COVID19.


The Digital Transformation Agency is often looked to for advice on digital ways of working, tools and remote collaboration. These enquiries increased significantly as the volume of remote meetings and workshops escalated due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Developing a transformation strategy focused on user needs and pitched directly to users.


The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) developed the Digital Transformation Strategy to set the direction of the Australian Government to become one of the top 3 digital governments in the world. This was one of the first strategies of its kind in the Australian Government, where the DTA’s Service Design and Delivery Process was coupled with agile delivery methods to produce a strategy suitable for everyday Australians to read and understand. 

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